Pro Housing Policies
HB1096 Lot Splitting – allows for more density by splitting lots
HB1345 HB 1010 SB5413 Rural ADU’s – Authorizing accessory dwelling units in rural areas.
HB 1403 HB1516 HB1438 Condo reform – reduces liability concerns for developers and construction requireents
HB 1491 SB5604 – Transit Oriented Development – expands opportunities for housing near transit lines
HB 1022 Homes for Heroes – creates a pilot program to provide down payment assistance for certain professions
HB 1742 – Extends the Washington Center for Real Estate Research
Issues of Concern
HB 1217/SB 5222 Rent Control – caps rent increases to 7%
HB 1089 Concerning eviction reform and tenant safety.
HB 1175 Affordable housing, modifying affordable rent requirement for housing authority participation
HB 1015 Energy efficiency – Realtor disclosure required on energy labels for advertised residences
HB1715 Energy Performance Standards – committee to examine costs related to energy standards
HB 1358, SB 5298 Concerning the notice of sale or lease of manufactured/mobile home communities.
HB 1696 Modifying the Covenant Home Ownership Program
SB 5057 Foreign Ownership of Ag Real Estate
SB 5249 Kit homes, permitting in areas not zoned for permanent housing to provide emergency housing
HB 1081 SB5496 Establishing consumer protection for solicited real estate – Aims to limit financial institution home ownership
SB 5148 Ensuring compliance with the housing element requirements of the growth management act.
SB1254 Wildland Urban Interface – adopts an International Wildland Urban Interface Code.
SB 5057 Foreign Ownership of Ag Real Estate
SB 5249 Kit homes, permitted in areas not zoned for permanent housing to provide emergency housing
Taxation Issues
HB 1044 Increase REET to $20 per transaction
HB 1320 B & O Tax increases
HB1480 Allows Counties to add their own REET
Sales Tax on Services – may include real estate
Capital Gains – consideration of a 7% tax on real estate
Lifting the Property Tax Lid – would raise the lid from 1% to 3% of property values
Transfer Tax – discussed in last session, has not surfaced in 202