First Time Broker Renewal:
You must complete 90 clock hours of certified continuing education within two years (for your first renewal).
Required courses are:
Advanced Real Estate Practices This will most likely be taken online. |
30 clock hours |
Real Estate Law This will most likely be taken online. |
30 clock hours |
Code of Ethics Available through the SR |
3 clock hours |
Purchase and Sale Agreement Available through the SR |
7.5 clock hours |
Current Issues in WA Residential Real Estate Available through the SR or online elsewhere |
3 clock hours |
3 clock hours |
Plus 13.5 more Elective “certified” courses are used to complete the 90 total hours.
Subsequent Broker License Renewal:
Require 30 clock hours – must include these two classes:
NAR requires:
SR requires:
To renew your license, you’ll need to go to the DOL website