First Time Broker Renewal:

You must complete 90 clock hours of certified continuing education within two years (for your first renewal).

Required courses are:

Advanced Real Estate Practices
This will most likely be taken online.
30 clock hours
Real Estate Law
This will most likely be taken online.
30 clock hours
Code of Ethics
Available through the SR
3 clock hours
Purchase and Sale Agreement
Available through the SR
7.5 clock hours
Current Issues in WA Residential Real Estate
Available through the SR or online elsewhere
3 clock hours
3 clock hours

Plus 13.5 more Elective “certified” courses are used to complete the 90 total hours.

Subsequent Broker License Renewal:

Require 30 clock hours – must include these two classes:

NAR requires:


SR requires:


To renew your license, you’ll need to go to the DOL website